By Erik Kay
"When my girlfriend and I play,
I pretend to call our downstairs neighbor for help.
I yell, “Kippa! Kippppa! Kip-uhhhh!”
as Charlie Brown-town goes to town
pinching and poking, Roaring and laughing.
Soon enough, we’re rolling off the couch,
Her gladly giggling, me grandly yipping,
Threatening to call the police, fearing
For my bladder, getting madder
Than hell and commencing countdown--
Three down to one, slowly and firmly--
Before fulfilling a threat, finally,
To ‘beat her ass.’
Love-violence ensues with tickle-pokes
And teary-eyed bites and slap-hands
Until all ends poorly with an accidental
Head-smack too far.
Then it’s apologies from me to her,
Or apologies from her to me,
My fanciful, fake Charlie voice,
Her ridiculous Charlie growl, eeow wow.
And she’s threatening to
Tie me to a steel-restaurant table in the woods,
And I’m gone out the door. See ya later, Charlie. "